Hello Everyone, and Happy New Year! I am so looking forward to a fresh start with new musical activities for all of my classes and performing groups!
In music classes throughout the months of January and February we'll be focusing on Music Workshop. During Music Workshop, I will teach a short, whole-group mini-lesson to start the class. After that, students will work in groups at a variety of rhythm-based tasks and activities (tasks and activities vary by grade level). Each task or activity can be tailored to each students' individual needs. It is my goal that all students at Parkside will increase their ability to read, write, and perform rhythm at or above grade level. Rhythm is a huge part of music literacy, and Music Workshop should be a fun and engaging way to practice and improve our skills!
Parkside's performing groups (Elementary Choir, Primary Choir, Show Band White, Show Band Blue, and Percussion Ensemble) will start up again next week. The schedule will remain the same:
Monday @ 12:10 - Show Band White
Tuesday @ 12:10 - Elementary Choir
Wednesday @ 12:10 - Percussion Group
Thursday @ 12:10 - Primary choir
Friday @ 12:10 - Show Band Blue
The two choirs will be working towards performances in the East Prince Music Festival in May, 2013, as well as our Spring Concert in June 2013. The Show Bands and Percussion Ensemble will also be working towards our Spring Concert in June 2013.