Friday, May 10, 2013

Congratulations, Choirs!

***Don't forget to check out the Spring Concert 2013 page! 

On Monday of this week, Parkside's Elementary and Primary choirs performed at our local Music Festival. Both choirs sang beautifully and both earned a Silver standard. Congratulations to all who participated, and thank you to the teachers and parents who helped to chaperon our trip!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Spring Concert Resources

Check out the new Spring Concert 2013 Page. On it you'll find information about this year's concert, as well as links to song lyrics and youTube videos for practice at home. Happy singing!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Music Festival and Composer Prezis

Grade 3-6 classes have completed their Composer Prezis! Click Here to view them!


Just a reminder that on Monday, May 6, Parkside Choirs will be heading to Trinity United Church to participate in the East Prince Music Festival. The choirs have been working very hard, and are sounding great!

·         The Primary (Grade K-2) choir is scheduled to perform 4th  in the 10:00AM Class.
·         The Elementary (Grade 3-6) choir is scheduled to perform 12th in the 10:00AM Class.
What to wear:
·         Choir Uniform (any combination of black and white clothing
·         Warm clothes/rain wear if needed for the walk
We will be leaving Parkside between 9:30-9:40AM, and we will be returning to Parkside around noon.
Spectators are welcome at the festival, but please note that there is an admission fee at the door.